Our escape rooms
E4C Circular Economy
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
Mahatma Gandhi Tweet
Since the first industrial revolution, the consumption of natural resources has uncontrollably increased. In particular, non-renewable resources (soil and fossil fuels) are being depleted and we do not have equally good technologies capable of sustaining the same level of consumption to which we are used today. In addition, almost three billion people living in developing countries are increasing their production rate to reach the level of well-being they envy the geographical north of the world. This has an impact on consumption and accelerates the climate crisis.
The current economic structure is the so-called linear one, according to the extract-produce-consume-throw paradigm, in effect for over two hundred years. It is clear that it will not work for much more, but we have not developed any alternative. Or maybe we have...? For over thirty years renowned economists and scientists have hypothesized a new paradigm for the production of goods, in which waste is treated as a secondary raw material and reintroduced into a production process with low consumption of resources.
The objectives of the project are to let people discover the secrets of circular economy and support the transition process, in a path involving citizens, companies, institutions and administrations.
This Escape Room was created in collaboration with Associazione Eufemia, LVIA, Legambiente and WeMake, within the project "Put change into circulation", implemented by a network of 12 partners: the four already mentioned together with the Municipality of Cuneo, Città of Turin, City of Florence, Municipality of Borgo San Lorenzo, Mountain Union of Municipalities of Mugello (FI), Municipality of Palermo, Municipality of Castelbuono (PA), Confcooperative Piemonte, financed by AICS, the Italian Agency for International Cooperation and with the contribution of the Cuneo Savings Bank and Turin Savings Bank and the European Commission.